广州可可电子科技有限公司是一家集工业自动化产品销售和自动化设备开发、维修改造、电气控制柜设计、系统调试安装,技术服务于一体的高新技术企业。公司拥有一支经验丰富、专业技术过硬的服务队伍。公司不仅致力于PLC、伺服、变频器等自动化产品的推广销售和自动化系统的设计、制作、维护、维修等工作,还提供周到的技术支持和售前、 售中、售后服务。
Guangzhou cocoa electronic technology Co., LTD. Is a collection of industrial automation products sales and automation equipment development, renovation, electrical control cabinet design, installation, debugging systems technology in the service of a high and new technology enterprise. The company has an experienced, professional technical good service team. The company not only committed to PLC, servo, inverter and other automation products promotion and sales of the automation system design, production, maintenance, repair, etc, and also provides the technical support and thoughtful pre-sale, sale and after-sale service.
- 联 系 人: 徐生
- 联系电话:020-61975020
- 联系传真:020-61975021
- Email:
- 网址:http://www.cocoa-et.com